Team Rector Saffron Walden and Villages Team ministry
Revd. Jeremy Trew - 01799500947
Team Vicar Saffron Walden and Villages Team ministry
Revd John Saxon
The Rectory, Debden
Tracey Thurgood-Buss
Sewards End
01799 523358
Peter Gray
23 Gaces Acre
Newport CB11 3RE
0790 1946 440
Janet Swan
Cobblers Cottage
Mill Road, Wimbish CB10 2XD
01799 599540
Frances Johnson
Thaxted Road, Wimbish
01799 527773
Dawn Saxon
The Rectory, Debden
Karen Hepworth
Abigail Magness
Mary Curtis
Jenny Hare
Clive Williams
Doreen Williams
Linda King
Jill Kirby
Pat Rust 01799 599548
Lynne Ward Booth
Mary Curtis
3 Gunters Cottages
Thaxted Road,
CB10 2UT
01799 524784
If you would like to contribute to the finances of the church you can make a bank transfer to
Wimbish Parochial Church Council
Sort Code 20-74-05
Account 50962481